Clear Energetic Blockages & Expand Consciousness
The Human Auric Field -
Gridworks of Consciousness
The field of human consciousness, the "Aura" is actually
the largest organ of the human body -- the BIOFIELD.
It is the body's electromagnetic energy field, generated by the Chakra system
Earth's electromagnetic energy field (It's own Biofield), acknowledged and measured by mainstream science as "The Schumann Resonance" is intimately connected to the human Biofield.
Frequency Fences are ascension- blocking fields of energy created by Seals and Implants that are anchored into Earth's Grid.
These are actual technologies that were not
put there by Divine Source
The human blueprint mirrors the blueprint of earth, and implants which hijack the Earth's grid are also hijacking the multidimensional levels of human consciousness.
Imagine how freeing being unlimited would feel! You can consciously remove these blockages, and by doing so, you will be taking a powerful step to reclaim your Sovereign birthright.
Do you feel like no matter how much meditation, inner child work, chakra balancing, and even energy healing that you do, SOMETHING keeps blocking you from getting to the next level?
What if I told you that the blockage is actually a fence of frequencies created and maintained by real technologies that are imbedded within the Earth's grid along powerful electromagnetic lines?
Would it surprise you to find that these technologies, anchored in the Earth, have been imprinted into the multi-dimensional, multi-layered energy bodies of humanity as well?
The checkerboard floor pattern which many have come to realize is actually an identifying pattern of service-to-self occult groups is a symbol of the checkerboard mutation of Earth's ley lines, which has created an overarching, artificial holographic overlay of the natural and the organic. This mutation is responsible for the frequency fence that is keeping the consciousness of all humanity suppressed. (Link to video interview with Dancing Bear Academy)
The two most foundational Seal & Implant systems known at this time are the
Jehovian Seals
and the Aryan Occult Draco Seals
Artwork thanks to Amanda DeMarco -gridworker, teacher and energy healer
Jehovian Seals
Revealed in the Book of Revelations; the seven Seals of the Apocalypse, which are actual technologies imbedded in the Earth....and imprinted into the auric fields of the human collective.
These artificial implants have been placed in the feminine Earth energy line that runs South/North through Cape Cod....and energetically in the 7th tonal line of the human energy template.
Clearing the J-Seals is foundational, collective-shadow work, and frees our receiving, magnetic energy field.
Aryan Occult Draco Seal Implant system
Aryan Occult Draco Seal system effects Earth's electric, right & central column and poles, and the right, masculine side of the human template.
Master-race distortions and the looping of ancestral contracts related to holocaust memories are trapped within this seal system.
Clearing the Draco Seals releases energetic patterns holding war timelines within the collective, and frees up the active, electric side of the energetic template.